Especially for Consumers

This blog is intended for Consumers and their advocates. It is organized by subject matter.

Some articles are only available by registration or subscription.

We focus our research efforts on legacy Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) products referred to by the Industry by code name LTC 1.0/1.5. Generally, these were sold before 2012 and if you purchased one you may be currently experiencing rate increases that are concerning. Further, you should know that insiders are concerned about the overall, long-term stability and viability of the industry, including solvency of companies on a watch-list.

The Root of FinancialMedic is found on our website home page, where since 2005 we have been focused on consumer strategic planning tools for financial independence, recognizing and addressing the importance of 3 holistic super domains: Financial, Health Care, and Subjective Well Being (Happiness). Details of tools available are on FM here:

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